The experiment verifies that the "rebound" phenomenon occurs on the earth surface before rock burst with high energy in mining. 验证了井下发生大能量冲击地压之前,地表沉降出现“反弹”的异常现象。
Overall, the course of platelet aggregation values after clopidogrel cessation does not support the existence of a rebound phenomenon of platelets after discontinuation of clopidogrel. 总之,停用氯吡格雷后的血小板聚集值不支持氯吡格雷停药后存在血小板反跳现象。
However, immediately after treatment PAI activity showed again an significant increase ( PAI rebound phenomenon), suggesting the existence of an abnormal procoagulant state in the early stage of thrombolytic treatment. 但是,停止UK注射后即出现PAI反弹现象,PA和纤溶酶活性随之降低,说明溶栓早期存在反常的高凝状态。
Discussing the underlying causes of the problems and finding the fundamental solution to rebound phenomenon of the pollution problem is very significant. 探讨这一问题产生的深层原因,从根本上解决污染反弹意义重大。
[ Conclusion] Mangiferin has favorable inhabiting effect on DHBV DNA. Rebound phenomenon rarely occurs after administration of Mangiferin. [结论]提示芒果苷有良好的抑制DHBV感染作用,且停药后不易出现反跳现象。
There was no obvious rebound phenomenon shown after the treatment. 且在停药后未见明显反跳现象。
Conclusion: The treatment of INF-α combined with thymosin on CHB was efficient, and can reduce relapse and rebound phenomenon. Conclusion It suggestes that lumbrukinase with batroxobin can effectively inhibit rebound of fibrinogen, consolidate the efficacy and reduce forward relapse. 结论:两药联用能明显抑制HBV复制,降低其反跳和病情复发。结论蚓激酶序贯于巴曲酶的治疗方法可以有效地抑制纤维蛋白原等指标的反弹,巩固和加强治疗效果。
The rebound phenomenon after drug suspension is mild and its action is persistent. 而且停药后反跳作用轻,治疗作用较持久。
Conclusion in order to prevent rebound phenomenon of long-term use or large doses of inhaled NO, it is necessary to define the lowest effective concentration and to gradually decrease the dosage. 结论临床长期或应用大剂量吸入NO时.应确定最低有效浓度和有计划逐渐减量,以防发生反跳。
We treated the patients mainly by using intravenous instillation of 10% compound injection of glycerol. This drug does not induce rebound phenomenon, electrolyte disorder and renal damage. 该病的急性期脱水治疗主要采取10%复方甘油静点,该药无反跳现象、电解质紊乱及肾脏损伤,是脱水治疗的理想药物。
Prevention of the rebound overshoot phenomenon during mannitol treatment of patients with raised intracranial pressure 甘露醇降脑压引起反跳现象的预防
The stop of vacuumization releases the lateral restriction on the foundation, and further results in its outward deformation, which can eliminate the rebound phenomenon induced by vacuum unloading; 停止抽真空使地基横向约束放松,从而导致向外变形,且此变形会消除卸真空引起的回弹现象;
The efficacy of Western medicine is not obvious in some patients, and there is a degree of toxic side effects and withdrawal rebound phenomenon, which reduce the medication compliance of patients. 西药治疗的疗效在某些病人身上并不明显,且存在一定程度的毒副作用和停药反跳现象,降低了病人用药的依从性。
In the case of collapse process of cavitation bubble on the vertical wall, with the decrease of height and angle, collapse time shows a decreasing trend and rebound phenomenon appears and impacts on the velocity and direction of the jet. 在竖直壁面上附壁空化泡溃灭过程中,随着夹角的减小或液面高度的减小,溃灭时间呈递减趋势,回弹现象随之出现,回弹现象对自由液面射流速度和方向产生影响。
If, however, begun to erode the kind of external evolution of deep-seated cultural values, people will come back to emphasize their characteristics, which is a rebound phenomenon of culture. 但是,如果那种外在演变开始侵蚀深层的文化价值观,人们就会回过头来强调它们的特色,这是一种文化反弹现象。